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If you want to donate money to Debconf5, please check how to donate in your country. More countries are going to be added soon.

Donations from Germany
Verein zur Förderung Freier Informationen und Software e.V.

Donations from Finland:
People with a bank-account in Finland can transfer sponsorship money to Linux-Aktivaattori's DebConf5 account at Handelsbanken.
Please make sure you include the reference number, otherwise we don't know what the money is meant for.

Bank: Handelsbanken
Account nro.: 313130 - 2994150
Reference nro. (viite): 5 02005 07010

Donation from other parts of the European Union:
If you live in a country not listed here, but part of the European Union, you can make your donation directly to our account. This doesn't cost more than a payment in your own country if you use the proper transfer details. Contact your bank if you are not sure what is needed.

For these transfers you can use the information below. Please make sure you include the reference number, otherwise we don't know what the money is meant for.

Bank: Handelsbanken Finland
IBAN: FI2131313002994150
Ref. nro.: 5 02005 07010

Donations from other parts of the world (outside European Union and not list on this page)
You can donate money to Linux-Aktivaattori's DebConf5 account in Finland, using the information below. Do keep in mind there is most likely a transfer- and/or bank-handling fee involved. You should check with your bank how high such a fee is.

Possibly a direct transfer to our account fails, in which case you should instruct your bank to use the intermediary bank in Frankfurt. Please make sure you include the reference number, otherwise we don't know what the money is meant for.

Bank: Handelsbanken Finland
Account: 313130 - 2994150
SWIFT: HANDFIHH (Handelsbanken Finland)
SWIFT: HANDDEFF (Intermediary bank, Handelsbanken Frankfurt)
Ref. nro.: 5 02005 07010